How to generate a dump of the database and download in Plesk?

How to delete a database in Plesk?

1. Log in to your Plesk account. (e.g., https://example.com:8443 )   2. In the Sidebar Menu, click on Databases.   3. Under the list of databases, click on the database you wish to remove.   4. Now click on Remove Database and a confirmation box will...
How to generate a dump of the database and download in Plesk?

How to create a database in Plesk?

You can create a database in your Plesk account.   1. Log in to your Plesk account. (e.g., https://example.com:8443) 2. In the Sidebar Menu, click on Databases.   3. Click on Add Database.   4. Under Add a Database, fill in the following details:...